Marine Debris VCC
To meet me

Welcome to the Mitigation and Prevention of Marine Debris VCC. The Marine Debris community aims to contribute to tackling the challenge that marine debris poses to the marine biosphere and, in many ways, to humans. To achieve this mission, the community assesses related societal knowledge needs, assesses existing technologies and identifies needs for new technologies, approaches and best practices, utilizes Earth observations and models to meet those knowledge needs, and assesses options that could mitigate existing marine debris or prevent future debris entering the ocean.

MarineDebris VCC Billboard

[Sep. 16, 2022] Ratings and Mappings: On the Participatory Modeling Floor a rating of priority actions and several mappings of stakeholders and rules are open for Place4Us users to contribute...


Platform News

[Jul. 25, 2024] MPP VCC opened: The "Mitigate Plastic Pollution VCC" has been initialized and is open now.

[Jul. 25, 2024] ExtremeFloods VCC opened: The "Extreme Urban and River Floods VCC" has been initialized and is open now.

[Jul. 20, 2024] LGBTQ+ VCC opened: The "LGBTQ+ VCC" has been initialized and is open now.

[Jul. 20, 2024] EverythingSolar VCC opened: The "Everything Solar VCC" has been initialized and is open now.

[Jul. 19, 2024] PathsofIshmael VCC opened: The "Paths of Ishmael New and Ancient Ways of Living VCC" has been initialized and is open now.