Metaphorum Virtual Community Center
To meet me

Welcome to the Metaphorum VCC. To develop, disseminate and apply Stafford Beer's legacy in organisational cybernetics to create a better world, which is collaborative, equitable, regenerative, participative and democratic, especially by the use of the VSM and TS.

Metaphorum VCC Billboard

Metaphorum VCC News

[Jan. 22, 2024] Metaphorum 2024 Conference: The Metaphorum 2024 Conference is set to take place in Berlin, Germany, on 16-17 September, 2024. The conference theme centres around the role of creativity in sustaining viability. The conference will be followed by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) Wednesday, 18 September, 2024.

Platform News

[Apr. 09, 2024] Letting Young People Speak: Place4Us is a place for young people to speak. If you are in this group, please, come to the VCCs of your interests and speak up. We all need to hear from you. It is your future we who are on Place4Us want to help create. If you need help to find your way around Place4Us, let us know and we will help.