The current growth-addicted and exploitive economy is an suicidal economy that works against humanity. Here we are developing the theory of an Economy for Humanity. We work on pathways to such an economy. Realizing that the system we call economy has the de facto purpose of a supply system that meets the needs of the present while safeguarding the Earth's life-support system, on which the welfare of all current and future life on Earth depends, the economy for humanity has to establish, maintain and manage such a supply system that is based on a ethos of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.Feel free to join us in this effort to bring mainstream economy in agreement with the inherent de facto purpose of economy. We have to get away from the current suicidal economy and for that we need you.
Platform News
[Jan. 28, 2025] Doomsday Clock set at 89 seconds to midnight, closest ever to human extinction: A press release in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists states: “Humanity Edging Closer To Catastrophe”: Iconic Doomsday Clock moves one second closer to midnight as global existential threats rage. Clock factors include nuclear weapons, climate crisis, artificial intelligence, infectious diseases, and conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.
[Jan. 25, 2025] CHC VCC opened: The "US Community Health Care.Net VCC" has been initialized and is open now.