Metaphorum VCC
To meet me

Welcome to the Metaphorum VCC. To develop, disseminate and apply Stafford Beer's legacy in organisational cybernetics to create a better world, which is collaborative, equitable, regenerative, participative and democratic, especially by the use of the VSM and TS.

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Platform News

[Jul. 25, 2024] MPP VCC opened: The "Mitigate Plastic Pollution VCC" has been initialized and is open now.

[Jul. 25, 2024] ExtremeFloods VCC opened: The "Extreme Urban and River Floods VCC" has been initialized and is open now.

[Jul. 20, 2024] LGBTQ+ VCC opened: The "LGBTQ+ VCC" has been initialized and is open now.

[Jul. 20, 2024] EverythingSolar VCC opened: The "Everything Solar VCC" has been initialized and is open now.

[Jul. 19, 2024] PathsofIshmael VCC opened: The "Paths of Ishmael New and Ancient Ways of Living VCC" has been initialized and is open now.