Developing Place4Us VCC

Designing a Collaboration Platform for a Better World
To meet me

Welcome to the Place4Us VCC. Our mission is to design, implement, and provide the platform that facilitates and host a global ecosystem of Virtual Community Centers (VCCs). This platform is open to every activist group worldwide, provided only that the group shares our general ethos for justice, equity, tolerance, peace, love and reverence for nature.

Place4Us VCC Billboard

[Jul. 08, 2023] Place4Us Needs YOU: The Place4Us VCC is in open discussion about the design and development of Place4us. All Place4Us Participants can join these discussions. Please, do help to develop Place4Us as a platform that serves those who want a health planet for a thriving humanity.


Platform News

[Jul. 25, 2024] MPP VCC opened: The "Mitigate Plastic Pollution VCC" has been initialized and is open now.

[Jul. 25, 2024] ExtremeFloods VCC opened: The "Extreme Urban and River Floods VCC" has been initialized and is open now.

[Jul. 20, 2024] LGBTQ+ VCC opened: The "LGBTQ+ VCC" has been initialized and is open now.

[Jul. 20, 2024] EverythingSolar VCC opened: The "Everything Solar VCC" has been initialized and is open now.

[Jul. 19, 2024] PathsofIshmael VCC opened: The "Paths of Ishmael New and Ancient Ways of Living VCC" has been initialized and is open now.