The Human and Planetary Existential Emergency

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Schedule for the Declaration of Planetary Emergency

The Declaration of Planetary Emergency (DPE) is now available in English. In order to ensure that this declaration is supported by all concerned citizens and available to them in their language, we are carrying out the following steps over the next months:

  1. Collecting comments on the draft (until December 31, 2022, closed).
  2. Translation of the Draft Declaration into at least seven languages (August 31, 2023): Like the English version, the translations of the declaration will be open for public comments on any language issues to ensure that the translations are consistent in their messages. It will also allow non-English speakers to submit comments on the draft declaration.
  3. Promotion of the drafting process to ensure widest possible participation (until February 29, 2023, closed): The impact of the declaration depends on the input and support from all concerned citizens. This requires widest possible promotion. You all are asked to help with this and use whatever channels are available to you to spread the information and to engage citizens with this process.
  4. Translating the Declaration into all languages (Open after March 31, 2023): The translation process will allow native speakers in a given language to prepare a draft translation in their language. This draft will be open from comments and edits from other native speakers. When a number of five native speakers have endorsed the draft, it will be included in the list of official translation. With this process, we aim to ensure that ALL citizens have a chance to contribute and take the pledge in their own language.
  5. Publishing the final Declaration in at least seven languages for signature (October 31, 2023): The publication of the final declaration will open the pledge for all of us to take.

If you are interested in joining the group working on the DPE, please, let us know. It will be important from the start to have citizens from all regions to participate. We also are in need of getting group members who can translate the draft and the final version in different languages.

The COPE VCC is now the place to discuss how we can confront and tackle the Planetary Emergency. You are, of course, invited to join the "Confronting the Planetaryb Energency VCC" contribute to the discussion, development and implementation of actions.

Please, do consider to join this movement that hopefully will grow rapidly so that we together can ensure Earth remains a place for us and all those not yet born. If you want to contribute, please, submit your message below with a brief remark on how you would like to contribute (e.g., as a member of a core group, as a social media influencer, as a lead for a translation, ...).

Email Us About Your Contribution

Your message is being sent to the adminstration of the PED and you will receive a response within two working days.

Your Mail
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Code: OxZWod

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Note that we can only answer your questions if you provide your email address. Your personal information will only be stored for the purpose of answering your questions or replying to your comment. No other use of your email address and/or name will be made.

Send Us Your Comments or Questions Concerning the Planetary Emergency Declaration

Your Comment and/or Question will be added to a database and will be visible to other Place4Us participants. Your questions will be answered by the PED administration. Other Place4Us participants will be able to also comment on your comments/questions. Once you have submitted a comment/questions, you will not be able to edit or delete the submission. The functions to edit and delete submitted comments will be added soon.

Your Comments and Questions about PED Comments
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Code: lSy7nC

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Note that we can only answer your questions if you provide your email address. Your personal information will only be stored for the purpose of answering your questions or replying to your comment. No other use of your email address and/or name will be made.