Heal Corner

Town Square
Heal Corner

Latest Healings

Impacts of Hurricane Beryl
July 2, 2024Hurricane Beryl caused cataclysmic damage to parts of the main Island of Grenada and all over Carriacou and Petite Martinque, as well as Union in the Grenadines and adjacent islands. The people in these areas are in dire need of healing advices: What are the most important immediate steps? What can be done to avoide casacading hazards and impacts? How to ensure social stability, food and water security, medical help where needed? How can communication be reestablished very fast? What can people do to help each other? Are there any houses that have solar-based power and can help others?

The Heal Corner is in progress to be established. If you have any comments or want to contribute to the design of the HealCorner, let us know.

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