Town Square

The Square

The Town Square of Place4Us provides a number of spaces for platform-wide activities. All the individual activities in the Town Square are initiated and sustained by individual VCCs or groups of VCCs. The activities range from publishing in the Bark Corner, organizing public actions in the Roar Corner, alerting society at large about circumstances or events that require urgent actions in the Scream Corner, and getting support and help in the Heal Corner to the demonstration of successful projects and planning of next steps on the Stage. In most of the corners, Confab provides a means for efficient communication between the groups by chirping between individuals or withing groups.

All activities in the corners of the Town Square are open for contributions from the public. They all aimed to increase awareness and activate the public.

The corners of the Town Square are under development. We have:

  • Bark Corner: The place for publishing EVC journals, newsletters, videos, or other material of interest across Place4Us and beyond.
  • Roar Corner: The Roar corner is a place for groups of VCCs or groups of Place4Us participants who want to organize actions in the physical world that emphasize aspects of the global emergency and aim to bring these aspects to the attention of a wide range of people.
  • Scream Corner: The Scream corner is the place for alert screams about issues related to the planetary emergency, injustices, atrocities, ecocides and other events that require immediate attention by many.
  • Heal Corner: In this corner, communities can flag an emergency and interact with other communities who have been going through similar emergencies in the past and found ways to recover from them.
  • Stage: On stage, groups can demonstrate their successful projects and discuss with the audience the next steps.
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